Chapter 15. Writing a Custom Storage Engine

Table of Contents

15.1. Introduction
15.2. Overview
15.3. Creating Storage Engine Source Files
15.4. Creating the handlerton
15.5. Handling Handler Instantiation
15.6. Defining Filename Extensions
15.7. Creating Tables
15.8. Opening a Table
15.9. Implementing Basic Table Scanning
15.9.1. Implementing the store_lock() Function
15.9.2. Implementing the external_lock() Function
15.9.3. Implementing the rnd_init() Function
15.9.4. Implementing the info() Function
15.9.5. Implementing the extra() Function
15.9.6. Implementing the rnd_next() Function
15.10. Closing a Table
15.11. Adding Support for INSERT to a Storage Engine
15.12. Adding Support for UPDATE to a Storage Engine
15.13. Adding Support for DELETE to a Storage Engine
15.14. Supporting Non-Sequential Reads
15.14.1. Implementing the position() Function
15.14.2. Implementing the rnd_pos() Function
15.15. Supporting Indexing
15.15.1. Indexing Overview
15.15.2. Getting Index Information During CREATE TABLE Operations
15.15.3. Creating Index Keys
15.15.4. Parsing Key Information
15.15.5. Providing Index Information to the Optimizer
15.15.6. Preparing for Index Use with index_init()
15.15.7. Cleaning up with index_end()
15.15.8. Implementing the index_read() Function
15.15.9. Implementing the index_read_idx() Function
15.15.10. Implementing the index_next() Function
15.15.11. Implementing the index_prev() Function
15.15.12. Implementing the index_first() Function
15.15.13. Implementing the index_last() Function
15.16. Supporting Transactions
15.16.1. Transaction Overview
15.16.2. Starting a Transaction
15.16.3. Implementing ROLLBACK
15.16.4. Implementing COMMIT
15.16.5. Adding Support for Savepoints
15.17. API Reference
15.17.1. bas_ext
15.17.2. close
15.17.3. create
15.17.4. delete_row
15.17.5. delete_table
15.17.6. external_lock
15.17.7. extra
15.17.8. index_end
15.17.9. index_first
15.17.10. index_init
15.17.11. index_last
15.17.12. index_next
15.17.13. index_prev
15.17.14. index_read_idx
15.17.15. index_read
15.17.16. info
15.17.17. open
15.17.18. position
15.17.19. records_in_range
15.17.20. rnd_init
15.17.21. rnd_next
15.17.22. rnd_pos
15.17.23. start_stmt
15.17.24. store_lock
15.17.25. update_row
15.17.26. write_row

15.1. Introduction

With MySQL 5.1, MySQL AB has introduced a pluggable storage engine architecture that makes it possible to create new storage engines and add them to a running MySQL server without recompiling the server itself.

This architecture makes it easier to develop new storage engines for MySQL and deploy them.

This chapter is intended as a guide to assist you in developing a storage engine for the new pluggable storage engine architecture.

Additional resources

15.2. Overview

The MySQL server is built in a modular fashion:

Figure 15.1. MySQL architecture

MySQL architecture

The storage engines manage data storage and index management for MySQL. The MySQL server communicates with the storage engines through a defined API.

Each storage engine is a class with each instance of the class communicating with the MySQL server through a special handler interface.

Handlers are instanced on the basis of one handler for each thread that needs to work with a specific table. For example: If three connections all start working with the same table, three handler instances will need to be created.

Once a handler instance is created, the MySQL server issues commands to the handler to perform data storage and retrieval tasks such as opening a table, manipulating rows, and managing indexes.

Custom storage engines can be built in a progressive manner: Developers can start with a read-only storage engine and later add support for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations, and even later add support for indexing, transactions, and other advanced operations.

15.3. Creating Storage Engine Source Files

The easiest way to implement a new storage engine is to begin by copying and modifying the EXAMPLE storage engine. The files and ha_example.h can be found in the storage/example directory of the MySQL 5.1 source tree. For instructions on how to obtain the 5.1 source tree, see Section 2.8.3, “Installing from the Development Source Tree”.

When copying the files, change the names from and ha_example.h to something appropriate to your storage engine, such as and ha_foo.h.

After you have copied and renamed the files you must replace all instances of EXAMPLE and example with the name of your storage engine. If you are familiar with sed, these steps can be done automatically (in this example, the name of your storage engine would be “FOO”):

sed s/EXAMPLE/FOO/g ha_example.h | sed s/example/foo/g ha_foo.h
sed s/EXAMPLE/FOO/g | sed s/example/foo/g

15.4. Creating the handlerton

The handlerton (short for “handler singleton”) defines the storage engine and contains function pointers to those functions that apply to the storage engine as a whole, as opposed to functions that work on a per-table basis. Some examples of such functions include transaction functions to handle commits and rollbacks.

Here's an example from the EXAMPLE storage engine:

handlerton example_hton= {
  "Example storage engine", 
  NULL,    /* Initialize */
  0,       /* slot */
  0,       /* savepoint size. */
  NULL,    /* close_connection */
  NULL,    /* savepoint */
  NULL,    /* rollback to savepoint */
  NULL,    /* release savepoint */
  NULL,    /* commit */
  NULL,    /* rollback */
  NULL,    /* prepare */
  NULL,    /* recover */
  NULL,    /* commit_by_xid */
  NULL,    /* rollback_by_xid */
  NULL,    /* create_cursor_read_view */
  NULL,    /* set_cursor_read_view */
  NULL,    /* close_cursor_read_view */
  example_create_handler,    /* Create a new handler */
  NULL,    /* Drop a database */
  NULL,    /* Panic call */
  NULL,    /* Release temporary latches */
  NULL,    /* Update Statistics */
  NULL,    /* Start Consistent Snapshot */
  NULL,    /* Flush logs */
  NULL,    /* Show status */
  NULL,    /* Replication Report Sent Binlog */

This is the definition of the handlerton from handler.h:

typedef struct
    const char *name;
    const char *comment;
    enum db_type db_type;
    bool (*init)();
    uint slot;
    uint savepoint_offset;
    int  (*close_connection)(THD *thd);
    int  (*savepoint_set)(THD *thd, void *sv);
    int  (*savepoint_rollback)(THD *thd, void *sv);
    int  (*savepoint_release)(THD *thd, void *sv);
    int  (*commit)(THD *thd, bool all);
    int  (*rollback)(THD *thd, bool all);
    int  (*prepare)(THD *thd, bool all);
    int  (*recover)(XID *xid_list, uint len);
    int  (*commit_by_xid)(XID *xid);
    int  (*rollback_by_xid)(XID *xid);
    void *(*create_cursor_read_view)();
    void (*set_cursor_read_view)(void *);
    void (*close_cursor_read_view)(void *);
    handler *(*create)(TABLE *table);
    void (*drop_database)(char* path);
    int (*panic)(enum ha_panic_function flag);
    int (*release_temporary_latches)(THD *thd);
    int (*update_statistics)();
    int (*start_consistent_snapshot)(THD *thd);
    bool (*flush_logs)();
    bool (*show_status)(THD *thd, stat_print_fn *print, enum ha_stat_type stat);
    int (*repl_report_sent_binlog)(THD *thd, char *log_file_name, my_off_t end_offset);
    uint32 flags;                                
  } handlerton;  

There are a total of 30 handlerton elements, only a few of which are mandatory (specifically the first four elements and the create() function).

  1. The name of the storage engine. This is the name that will be used when creating tables (CREATE TABLE ... ENGINE = FOO;).

  2. The value to be displayed in the status field when a user issues the SHOW STORAGE ENGINES command.

  3. The storage engine comment, a description of the storage engine displayed when using the SHOW STORAGE ENGINES command.

  4. An integer that uniquely identifies the storage engine within the MySQL server. The constants used by the built-in storage engines are defined in the handler.h file. Custom engines should use DB_TYPE_CUSTOM.

  5. A function pointer to the storage engine initializer. This function is only called once when the server starts to allow the storage engine class to perform any housekeeping that is necessary before handlers are instanced.

  6. The slot. Each storage engine has its own memory area (actually a pointer) in the thd, for storing per-connection information. It is accessed as thd->ha_data[foo_hton.slot]. The slot number is initialized by MySQL after foo_init() is called. For more information on the thd, see Section 15.16.3, “Implementing ROLLBACK”.

  7. The savepoint offset. To store per-savepoint data the storage engine is provided with an area of a requested size (0, if no savepoint memory is necessary).

    The savepoint offset must be initialized statically to the size of the needed memory to store per-savepoint information. After foo_init it is changed to be an offset to the savepoint storage area and need not be used by the storage engine.

    For more information, see Section, “Specifying the Savepoint Offset”.

  8. Used by transactional storage engines, clean up any memory allocated in their slot.

  9. A function pointer to the handler's savepoint_set() function. This is used to create a savepoint and store it in memory of the requested size.

    For more information, see Section, “Implementing the savepoint_set Function”.

  10. A function pointer to the handler's rollback_to_savepoint() function. This is used to return to a savepoint during a transaction. It's only populated for storage engines that support savepoints.

    For more information, see Section, “Implementing the savepoint_rollback() Function.

  11. A function pointer to the handler's release_savepoint() function. This is used to release the resources of a savepoint during a transaction. It's optionally populated for storage engines that support savepoints.

    For more information, see Section, “Implementing the savepoint_release() Function.

  12. A function pointer to the handler's commit() function. This is used to commit a transaction. It's only populated for storage engines that support transactions.

    For more information, see Section 15.16.4, “Implementing COMMIT”.

  13. A function pointer to the handler's rollback() function. This is used to roll back a transaction. It's only populated for storage engines that support transactions.

    For more information, see Section 15.16.3, “Implementing ROLLBACK”.

  14. Required for XA transactional storage engines. Prepare transaction for commit.

  15. Required for XA transactional storage engines. Returns a list of transactions that are in the prepared state.

  16. Required for XA transactional storage engines. Commit transaction identified by XID.

  17. Required for XA transactional storage engines. Rollback transaction identified by XID.

  18. Called when a cursor is created to allow the storage engine to create a consistent read view.

  19. Called to switch to a specific consistent read view.

  20. Called to close a specific read view.

  21. MANDATORY - Construct and return a handler instance.

    For more information, see Section 15.5, “Handling Handler Instantiation”.

  22. Used if the storage engine needs to perform special steps when a schema is dropped (such as in a storage engine that uses tablespaces).

  23. Cleanup function called during server shutdown and crashes.

  24. InnoDB-specific function.

  25. InnoDB-specific function called at start of SHOW ENGINE InnoDB STATUS.

  26. Function called to begin a consistent read.

  27. Called to indicate that logs should be flushed to reliable storage.

  28. Provides human readable status information on the storage engine for SHOW ENGINE foo STATUS.

  29. InnoDB-specific function used for replication.

  30. Handlerton flags that indicate the capabilities of the storage engine. Possible values are defined in sql/handler.h and copied here:

    #define HTON_NO_FLAGS                 0
    #define HTON_CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT (1 << 0)
    #define HTON_ALTER_NOT_SUPPORTED     (1 << 1)
    #define HTON_CAN_RECREATE            (1 << 2)
    #define HTON_FLUSH_AFTER_RENAME      (1 << 3)
    #define HTON_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE     (1 << 4)

    HTON_ALTER_NOT_SUPPORTED is used to indicate that the storage engine cannot accept ALTER TABLE statements. The FEDERATED storage engine is an example.

    HTON_FLUSH_AFTER_RENAME indicates that FLUSH LOGS must be called after a table rename.

    HTON_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE indicates that the storage engine should not be shown when a user calls SHOW STORAGE ENGINES. Used for system storage engines such as the dummy storage engine for binary logs.

15.5. Handling Handler Instantiation

The first method call your storage engine needs to support is the call for a new handler instance.

Before the handlerton is defined in the storage engine source file, a function header for the instantiation function must be defined. Here is an example from the CSV engine:

static handler* tina_create_handler(TABLE *table);

As you can see, the function accepts a pointer to the table the handler is intended to manage, and returns a handler object.

After the function header is defined, the function is named with a function pointer in the create() handlerton element, identifying the function as being responsible for generating new handler instances.

Here is an example of the MyISAM storage engine's instantiation function:

static handler *myisam_create_handler(TABLE *table)
    return new ha_myisam(table);

This call then works in conjunction with the storage engine's constructor. Here is an example from the FEDERATED storage engine:

ha_federated::ha_federated(TABLE *table_arg)
  :handler(&federated_hton, table_arg),
  mysql(0), stored_result(0), scan_flag(0),
  ref_length(sizeof(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET)), current_position(0)

And here's one more example from the EXAMPLE storage engine:

ha_example::ha_example(TABLE *table_arg)
  :handler(&example_hton, table_arg)

The additional elements in the FEDERATED example are extra initializations for the handler. The minimum implementation required is the handler() initialization shown in the EXAMPLE version.

15.6. Defining Filename Extensions

Storage engines are required to provide the MySQL server with a list of extensions used by the storage engine with regard to a given table, its data and indexes.

Extensions are expected in the form of a null-terminated string array. The following is the array used by the CSV engine:

static const char *ha_tina_exts[] = {

This array is returned when the bas_ext() function is called:

const char **ha_tina::bas_ext() const
  return ha_tina_exts;

By providing extension information you can also omit implementing DROP TABLE functionality as the MySQL server will implement it for you by closing the table and deleting all files with the extensions you specify.

15.7. Creating Tables

Once a handler is instanced, the first operation that will likely be required is the creation of a table.

Your storage engine must implement the create() virtual function:

virtual int create(const char *name, TABLE *form, HA_CREATE_INFO *info)=0;

This function should create all necessary files but does not need to open the table. The MySQL server will call for the table to be opened later on.

The *name parameter is the name of the table. The *form parameter is a TABLE structure that defines the table and matches the contents of the tablename.frm file already created by the MySQL server. Storage engines must not modify the tablename.frm file.

The *info parameter is a structure containing information on the CREATE TABLE statement used to create the table. The structure is defined in handler.h and copied here for your convenience:

typedef struct st_ha_create_information
    CHARSET_INFO *table_charset, *default_table_charset;
    LEX_STRING connect_string;
    const char *comment,*password;
    const char *data_file_name, *index_file_name;
    const char *alias;
    ulonglong max_rows,min_rows;
    ulonglong auto_increment_value;
    ulong table_options;
    ulong avg_row_length;
    ulong raid_chunksize;
    ulong used_fields;
    SQL_LIST merge_list;
    enum db_type db_type;
    enum row_type row_type;
    uint null_bits;                       /* NULL bits at start of record */
    uint options;				/* OR of HA_CREATE_ options */
    uint raid_type,raid_chunks;
    uint merge_insert_method;
    uint extra_size;                      /* length of extra data segment */
    bool table_existed;                /* 1 in create if table existed */
    bool frm_only;                        /* 1 if no ha_create_table() */
    bool varchar;                         /* 1 if table has a VARCHAR */

A basic storage engine can ignore the contents of *form and *info, as all that is really required is the creation and possibly the initialization of the data files used by the storage engine (assuming the storage engine is file-based).

For example, here is the implementation from the CSV storage engine:

int ha_tina::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
  HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
    char name_buff[FN_REFLEN];
    File create_file;
    if ((create_file= my_create(fn_format(name_buff, name, "", ".CSV",
          O_RDWR | O_TRUNC,MYF(MY_WME))) < 0)

In the preceding example, the CSV engine does not refer at all to the *table_arg or *create_info parameters, but simply creates the required data files, closes them, and returns.

The my_create and my_close functions are helper functions defined in src/include/my_sys.h.

15.8. Opening a Table

Before any read or write operations are performed on a table, the MySQL server will call the handler::open() method to open the table data and index files (if they exist).

int open(const char *name, int mode, int test_if_locked);

The first parameter is the name of the table to be opened. The second parameter determines what file to open or what operation to take. The values are defined in handler.h and are copied here for your convenience:

O_RDONLY  -  Open read only
O_RDWR    -  Open read/write

The final option dictates whether the handler should check for a lock on the table before opening it. The following options are available:

#define HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED   0   /* default */
#define HA_OPEN_TMP_TABLE         4   /* Table is a temp table */
#define HA_OPEN_DELAY_KEY_WRITE   8   /* Don't update index */
#define HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR        32  /* open even if crashed */  

Typically your storage engine will need to implement some form of shared access control to prevent file corruption is a multi-threaded environment. For an example of how to implement file locking, see the get_share() and free_share() methods of sql/examples/

15.9. Implementing Basic Table Scanning

The most basic storage engines implement read-only table scanning. Such engines might be used to support SQL queries of logs and other data files that are populated outside of MySQL.

The implementation of the methods in this section provide the first steps toward the creation of more advanced storage engines.

The following shows the method calls made during a nine-row table scan of the CSV engine:

ha_tina::extra - ENUM HA_EXTRA_CACHE   Cache record in HA_rrnd()
ha_tina::extra - ENUM HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE   End caching of records (def)
ha_tina::extra - ENUM HA_EXTRA_RESET   Reset database to after open

15.9.1. Implementing the store_lock() Function

The store_lock() function is called before any reading or writing is performed.

Before adding the lock into the table lock handler mysqld calls store lock with the requested locks. Store lock can modify the lock level, for example change blocking write lock to non-blocking, ignore the lock (if we don't want to use MySQL table locks at all) or add locks for many tables (like we do when we are using a MERGE handler).

Berkeley DB, for example, downgrades blocking table TL_WRITE locks to non-blocking TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE locks (which signals that we are doing WRITEs, but we are still allowing other readers and writers).

When releasing locks, store_lock() is also called. In this case, one usually doesn't have to do anything.

If the argument of store_lock is TL_IGNORE, it means that MySQL requests the handler to store the same lock level as the last time.

The potential lock types are defined in includes/thr_lock.h and are copied here:

enum thr_lock_type
         TL_UNLOCK,			             /* UNLOCK ANY LOCK */
 	  TL_READ,			               /* Read lock */
         TL_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY,      /* High prior. than TL_WRITE. Allow concurrent insert */
         TL_READ_NO_INSERT, 		     /* READ, Don't allow concurrent insert */
         TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE, 		   /*	Write lock, but allow other threads to read / write. */
         TL_WRITE_ALLOW_READ,        /*	Write lock, but allow other threads to read / write. */
         TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT, /* WRITE lock used by concurrent insert. */
         TL_WRITE_DELAYED,  		     /* Write used by INSERT DELAYED.  Allows READ locks */
         TL_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY,	     /* WRITE lock that has lower priority than TL_READ */
         TL_WRITE,          		     /* Normal WRITE lock */
         TL_WRITE_ONLY               /* Abort new lock request with an error */

Actual lock handling will vary depending on your locking implementation and you may choose to implement some or none of the requested lock types, substituting your own methods as appropriate. The following is the minimal implementation, for a storage engine that does not need to downgrade locks:

THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_tina::store_lock(THD *thd,
                                     THR_LOCK_DATA **to,
                                     enum thr_lock_type lock_type)
   if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && lock.type == TL_UNLOCK)
   *to++= &lock;
   return to;

See also ha_berkeley::store_lock() and ha_myisammrg::store_lock() for a more complex implementation.

15.9.2. Implementing the external_lock() Function

The external_lock() function is called at the start of a statement or when a LOCK TABLES statement is issued.

Examples of using external_lock() can be found in the sql/ and sql/ files, but most storage engines can simply return 0, as is the case with the EXAMPLE storage engine:

int ha_example::external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type)

15.9.3. Implementing the rnd_init() Function

The function called before any table scan is the rnd_init() function. The rnd_init() function is used to prepare for a table scan, resetting counters and pointers to the start of the table.

The following example is from the CSV storage engine:

  int ha_tina::rnd_init(bool scan)
      current_position= next_position= 0;
      records= 0;
      chain_ptr= chain;

If the scan parameter is true, the MySQL server will perform a sequential table scan, if false the MySQL server will perform random reads by position.

15.9.4. Implementing the info() Function

Prior to commencing a table scan, the info() function is called to provide extra table information to the optimizer.

The information required by the optimizer is not given through return values but instead by populating certain properties of the storage engine class, which the optimizer reads after the info() call returns.

In addition to being used by the optimizer, many of the values set during a call to the info() function are also used for the SHOW TABLE STATUS statement.

The public properties are listed in full in sql/handler.h; several of the more common ones are copied here:

ulonglong data_file_length;		/* Length off data file */
ulonglong max_data_file_length;	/* Length off data file */
ulonglong index_file_length;
ulonglong max_index_file_length;
ulonglong delete_length;		/* Free bytes */
ulonglong auto_increment_value;
ha_rows records;			/* Records in table */
ha_rows deleted;			/* Deleted records */
ulong raid_chunksize;
ulong mean_rec_length;		/* physical reclength */
time_t create_time;			/* When table was created */
time_t check_time;
time_t update_time;  

For the purposes of a table scan, the most important property is records, which indicates the number of records in the table. The optimizer will perform differently when the storage engine indicates that there are zero or one rows in the table than it will when there are two or more. For this reason it is important to return a value of two or greater when you do not actually know how many rows are in the table before you perform the table scan (such as in a situation where the data may be externally populated).

15.9.5. Implementing the extra() Function

Prior to some operations, the extra() function is called to provide extra hints to the storage engine on how to perform certain operations.

Implementation of the hints in the extra call is not mandatory, and most storage engines return 0:

int ha_tina::extra(enum ha_extra_function operation)

15.9.6. Implementing the rnd_next() Function

After the table is initialized, the MySQL server will call the handler's rnd_next() function once for every row to be scanned until the server's search condition is satisfied or an end of file is reached, in which case the handler returns HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE.

The rnd_next() function takes a single byte array parameter named *buf. The *buf parameter must be populated with the contents of the table row in the internal MySQL format.

The server uses three data formats: fixed-length rows, variable-length rows, and variable-length rows with BLOB pointers. In each format, the columns appear in the order in which they were defined by the CREATE TABLE statement. (The table definition is stored in the .frm file, and the optimizer and the handler are both able to access table metadata from the same source, its TABLE structure).

Each format begins with a “NULL bitmap” of one bit per nullable column. A table with as many as eight nullable columns will have a one-byte bitmap; a table with nine to sixteen nullable columns will have a two-byte bitmap, and so forth. One exception is fixed-width tables, which have an additional starting bit so that a table with eight nullable columns would have a two-byte bitmap.

After the NULL bitmap come the columns, one by one. Each column is of the size indicated in Chapter 11, Data Types. In the server, column data types are defined in the sql/ file. In the fixed length row format, the columns are simply laid out one by one. In a variable-length row, VARCHAR columns are coded as a one or two-byte length, followed by a string of characters. In a variable-length row with BLOB columns, each blob is represented by two parts: first an integer representing the actual size of the BLOB, and then a pointer to the BLOB in memory.

Examples of row conversion (or “packing”) can be found by starting at rnd_next() in any table handler. In, for example, the code in find_current_row() illustrates how the TABLE structure (pointed to by table) and a string object (named buffer) can be used to pack character data from a CSV file. Writing a row back to disk requires the opposite conversion, unpacking from the internal format.

The following example is from the CSV storage engine:

int ha_tina::rnd_next(byte *buf)
   statistic_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_read_rnd_next_count, &LOCK_status);
   current_position= next_position;
   if (!share->mapped_file)
   if (HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE == find_current_row(buf) )

The conversion from the internal row format to CSV row format is performed in the find_current_row() function:

int ha_tina::find_current_row(byte *buf)
   byte *mapped_ptr= (byte *)share->mapped_file + current_position;
   byte *end_ptr;
   /* EOF should be counted as new line */
   if ((end_ptr=  find_eoln(share->mapped_file, current_position,
                            share->file_stat.st_size)) == 0)
   for (Field **field=table->field ; *field ; field++)
     mapped_ptr++; // Increment past the first quote
     for(;mapped_ptr != end_ptr; mapped_ptr++)
       // Need to convert line feeds!
       if (*mapped_ptr == '"' &&
           (((mapped_ptr[1] == ',') && (mapped_ptr[2] == '"')) ||
            (mapped_ptr == end_ptr -1 )))
         mapped_ptr += 2; // Move past the , and the "
       if (*mapped_ptr == '\\' && mapped_ptr != (end_ptr - 1))
         if (*mapped_ptr == 'r')
         else if (*mapped_ptr == 'n' )
         else if ((*mapped_ptr == '\\') || (*mapped_ptr == '"'))
         else  /* This could only happed with an externally created file */
     (*field)->store(buffer.ptr(), buffer.length(), system_charset_info);
   next_position= (end_ptr - share->mapped_file)+1;
   /* Maybe use \N for null? */
   memset(buf, 0, table->s->null_bytes); /* We do not implement nulls! */

15.10. Closing a Table

When the MySQL server is finished with a table, it will call the close() method to close file pointers and release any other resources.

Storage engines that use the shared access methods seen in the CSV engine and other example engines must remove themselves from the shared structure:

int ha_tina::close(void)

Storage engines using their own share management systems should use whatever methods are needed to remove the handler instance from the share for the table opened in their handler.

15.11. Adding Support for INSERT to a Storage Engine

Once you have read support in your storage engine, the next feature to implement is support for INSERT statements. With INSERT support in place, your storage engine can handle WORM (write once, read many) applications such as logging and archiving for later analysis.

All INSERT operations are handled through the write_row() function:

int ha_foo::write_row(byte *buf)  

The *buf parameter contains the row to be inserted in the internal MySQL format. A basic storage engine could simply advance to the end of the data file and append the contents of the buffer directly (this would also make reading rows easier as you could read the row and pass it directly into the buffer parameter of the rnd_next() function.

The process for writing a row is the opposite of the process for reading one: take the data from the MySQL internal row format and write it to the data file. The following example is from the MyISAM storage engine:

int ha_myisam::write_row(byte * buf)

  /* If we have a timestamp column, update it to the current time */
  if (table->timestamp_field_type & TIMESTAMP_AUTO_SET_ON_INSERT)
    If we have an auto_increment column and we are writing a changed row
    or a new row, then update the auto_increment value in the record.
  if (table->next_number_field && buf == table->record[0])
  return mi_write(file,buf);

Three items of note in the preceding example include the updating of table statistics for writes, the setting of the timestamp prior to writing the row, and the updating of AUTO_INCREMENT values.

15.12. Adding Support for UPDATE to a Storage Engine

The MySQL server executes UPDATE statements by performing a (table/index/range/etc.) scan until it locates a row matching the WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement, then calling the update_row() function:

int ha_foo::update_row(const byte *old_data, byte *new_data)

The *old_data parameter contains the data that existed in the row prior to the update, while the *new_data parameter contains the new contents of the row (in the MySQL internal row format).

Performing an update will depend on row format and storage implementation. Some storage engines will replace data in-place, while other implementations delete the existing row and append the new row at the end of the data file.

Non-indexed storage engines can typically ignore the contents of the *old_data parameter and just deal with the *new_data buffer. Transactional engines may need to compare the buffers to determine what changes have been made for a later rollback.

If the table being updated contains timestamp columns, the updating of the timestamp will have to be managed in the update_row() call. The following example is from the CSV engine:

int ha_tina::update_row(const byte * old_data, byte * new_data)
   int size;
   if (table->timestamp_field_type & TIMESTAMP_AUTO_SET_ON_UPDATE)
   size= encode_quote(new_data);
   if (chain_append())
   if (my_write(share->data_file, buffer.ptr(), size, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP)))

Note the setting of the timestamp in the previous example.

15.13. Adding Support for DELETE to a Storage Engine

The MySQL server executes DELETE statements using the same approach as for UPDATE statements: It advances to the row to be deleted using the rnd_next() function and then calls the delete_row() function to delete the row:

int ha_foo::delete_row(const byte *buf)

The *buf parameter contains the contents of the row to be deleted. For non-indexed storage engines the parameter can be ignored, but transactional storage engines may need to store the deleted data for rollback purposes.

The following example is from the CSV storage engine:

int ha_tina::delete_row(const byte * buf)
   if (chain_append())

The steps of note in the preceding example are the update of the delete_count statistic and the record count.

15.14. Supporting Non-Sequential Reads

In addition to table scanning, storage engines can implement functions for non-sequential reading. The MySQL server uses these functions for certain sort operations.

15.14.1. Implementing the position() Function

The position() function is called after every call to rnd_next() if the data needs to be reordered:

void ha_foo::position(const byte *record)

The contents of *record are up to you — whatever value you provide will be returned in a later call to retrieve the row. Most storage engines will store some form of offset or primary key value.

15.14.2. Implementing the rnd_pos() Function

The rnd_pos() function behaves in a similar fashion to the rnd_next() function but takes an additional parameter:

int ha_foo::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos)

The *pos parameter contains positioning information previously recorded using the position() function.

A storage engine must locate the row specified by the position and return it through *buf in the internal MySQL row format.

15.15. Supporting Indexing

Once basic read/write operations are implemented in a storage engine, the next stage is to add support for indexing. Without indexing, a storage engine's performance is quite limited.

This section documents the methods that must be implemented to add support for indexing to a storage engine.

15.15.1. Indexing Overview

Adding index support to a storage engine revolves around two tasks: providing information to the optimizer and implementing index-related methods. The information provided to the optimizer helps the optimizer to make better decisions about which index to use or even to skip using an index and instead perform a table scan.

The indexing methods either read rows that match a key, scan a set of rows by index order, or read information directly from the index.

The following example shows the function calls made during an UPDATE query that uses an index, such as UPDATE foo SET ts = now() WHERE id = 1:


In addition to index reading methods, your storage engine must support the creation of new indexes and be able to keep table indexes up to date as rows are added, modified, and removed from tables.

15.15.2. Getting Index Information During CREATE TABLE Operations

It is preferable for storage engines that support indexing to read the index information provided during a CREATE TABLE operation and store it for future use. The reasoning behind this is that the index information is most readily available during table and index creation and is not as easily retrieved afterward.

The table index information is contained within the key_info structure of the TABLE argument of the create() function.

Within the key_info structure there is a flag that defines index behavior:

#define HA_NOSAME             1  /* Set if not duplicated records   */
#define HA_PACK_KEY           2  /* Pack string key to previous key */
#define HA_AUTO_KEY           16
#define HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY    32 /* Packing of all keys to prev key */
#define HA_FULLTEXT          128 /* For full-text search            */
#define HA_UNIQUE_CHECK      256 /* Check the key for uniqueness    */
#define HA_SPATIAL          1024 /* For spatial search              */
#define HA_NULL_ARE_EQUAL   2048 /* NULL in key are cmp as equal    */
#define HA_GENERATED_KEY    8192 /* Automatically generated key     */

In addition to the flag, there is an enumerator named algorithm that specifies the desired index type:

enum ha_key_alg {
  HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF=     0,  /* Not specified (old file)     */
  HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE=     1,  /* B-tree, default one          */
  HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE=     2,  /* R-tree, for spatial searches */
  HA_KEY_ALG_HASH=      3,  /* HASH keys (HEAP tables)      */
  HA_KEY_ALG_FULLTEXT=  4   /* FULLTEXT (MyISAM tables)     */

In addition to the flag and algorithm, there is an array of key_part elements that describe the individual parts of a composite key.

The key parts define the field associated with the key part, whether the key should be packed, and the data type and length of the index part. See for an example of how this information is parsed.

As an alternative, a storage engine can instead follow the example of and read index information from the TABLE structure of the handler during each operation.

15.15.3. Creating Index Keys

As part of every table-write operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), the storage engine is required to update its internal index information.

The method used to update indexes will vary from storage engine to storage engine, depending on the method used to store the index.

In general, the storage engine will have to use row information passed in functions such as write_row(), delete_row(), and update_row() in combination with index information for the table to determine what index data needs to be modified, and make the needed changes.

The method of associating an index with its row will depend on your storage approach. The BerkeleyDB storage engine stores the primary key of the row in the index while other storage engines often store the row offset.

15.15.4. Parsing Key Information

Many of the index methods pass a byte array named *key that identifies the index entry to be read in a standard format. Your storage engine will need to extract the information stored in the key and translate it into its internal index format to identify the row associated with the index.

The information in the key is obtained by iterating through the key, which is formatted the same as the definition in table->key_info[index]->key_part[part_num]. The following example from shows how the BerkeleyDB storage engine takes a key defined in *key and converts it to internal key format:

Create a packed key from a MySQL unpacked key (like the one that is
sent from the index_read()
This key is to be used to read a row
DBT *ha_berkeley::pack_key(DBT *key, uint keynr, char *buff,
                                                const byte *key_ptr, uint key_length)
  KEY *key_info=table->key_info+keynr;
  KEY_PART_INFO *key_part=key_info->key_part;
  KEY_PART_INFO *end=key_part+key_info->key_parts;
  bzero((char*) key,sizeof(*key));
  key->app_private= (void*) key_info;
  for (; key_part != end && (int) key_length > 0 ; key_part++)
      uint offset=0;
      if (key_part->null_bit)
          if (!(*buff++ = (*key_ptr == 0)))         // Store 0 if NULL
              key_length-= key_part->store_length;
              key_ptr+=   key_part->store_length;
          offset=1;                                 // Data is at key_ptr+1
      buff=key_part->field->pack_key_from_key_image(buff,(char*) key_ptr+offset,
  key->size= (buff  - (char*) key->data);
  DBUG_DUMP("key",(char*) key->data, key->size);

15.15.5. Providing Index Information to the Optimizer

In order for indexing to be used effectively, storage engines need to provide the optimizer with information about the table and its indexes. This information is used to choose whether to use an index, and if so, which index to use. Implementing the info() Function

The optimizer requests an update of table information by calling the handler::info() function. The info() function does not have a return value, instead it is expected that the storage engine will set a variety of public variables that the server will then read as needed. These values are also used to populate certain SHOW outputs such as SHOW TABLE STATUS and for queries of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

All variables are optional but should be filled if possible:

  • records - The number of rows in the table. If you cannot provide an accurate number quickly you should set the value to be greater than 1 so that the optimizer does not perform optimizations for zero or one row tables.

  • deleted - Number of deleted rows in table. Used to identify table fragmentation, where applicable.

  • data_file_length - Size of the data file, in bytes. Helps optimizer calculate the cost of reads.

  • index_file_length - Size of the index file, in bytes. Helps optimizer calculate the cost of reads.

  • mean_rec_length - Average length of a single row, in bytes.

  • scan_time - Cost in I/O seeks to perform a full table scan.

  • delete_length -

  • check_time -

When calculating values, speed is more important than accuracy, as there is no sense in taking a long time to give the optimizer clues as to what approach may be the fastest. Estimates within an order of magnitude are usually good enough. Implementing the records_in_range Function

The records_in_range() function is called by the optimizer to assist in choosing which index on a table to use for a query or join. It is defined as follows:

ha_rows ha_foo::records_in_range(uint inx, key_range *min_key, key_range *max_key)

The inx parameter is the index to be checked. The *min_key parameter is the low end of the range while the *max_key parameter is the high end of the range.

min_key.flag can have one of the following values:

  • HA_READ_KEY_EXACT - Include the key in the range

  • HA_READ_AFTER_KEY - Don't include key in range

max_key.flag can have one of the following values:

  • HA_READ_BEFORE_KEY - Don't include key in range

  • HA_READ_AFTER_KEY - Include all 'end_key' values in the range

The following return values are allowed:

  • 0 - There are no matching keys in the given range

  • number > 0 - There is approximately number matching rows in the range

  • HA_POS_ERROR - Something is wrong with the index tree

When calculating values, speed is more important than accuracy.

15.15.6. Preparing for Index Use with index_init()

The index_init() function is called before an index is used to allow the storage engine to perform any necessary preparation or optimization:

int ha_foo::index_init(uint keynr, bool sorted)

Most storage engines do not need to make special preparations, in which case a default implementation will be used if the method is not explicitly implemented in the storage engine:

int handler::index_init(uint idx) { active_index=idx; return 0; }

15.15.7. Cleaning up with index_end()

The index_end() function is a counterpart to the index_init() function. The purpose of the index_end() function is to clean up any preparations made by the index_init() function.

If a storage engine does not implement index_init() it does not need to implement index_end().

15.15.8. Implementing the index_read() Function

The index_read() function is used to retrieve a row based on a key:

int ha_foo::index_read(byte * buf, const byte * key, uint key_len, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag)

The *buf parameter is a byte array that the storage engine populates with the row that matches the index key specified in *key. The key_len parameter indicates the prefix length when matching by prefix, and the find_flag parameter is an enumerator that dictates the search behavior to be used.

The index to be used is previously defined in the index_init() call and is stored in the active_index handler variable.

The following values are allowed for find_flag:


Storage engines must convert the *key parameter to a storage engine-specific format, use it to find the matching row according to the find_flag, and then populate *buf with the matching row in the MySQL internal row format. For more information on the internal row format, see Section 15.9.6, “Implementing the rnd_next() Function”.

In addition to returning a matching row, the storage engine must also set a cursor to support sequential index reads.

If the *key parameter is null the storage engine should read the first key in the index.

15.15.9. Implementing the index_read_idx() Function

The index_read_idx() function is identical to the index_read() with the exception that index_read_idx() accepts an additional keynr parameter:

int ha_foo::index_read_idx(byte * buf, uint keynr, const byte * key,
                        uint key_len, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag)  

The keynr parameter specifies the index to be read, as opposed to index_read where the index is already set.

As with the index_read() function, the storage engine must return the row that matches the key according to the find_flag and set a cursor for future reads.

15.15.10. Implementing the index_next() Function

The index_next() function is used for index scanning:

int ha_foo::index_next(byte * buf)

The *buf parameter is populated with the row that corresponds to the next matching key value according to the internal cursor set by the storage engine during operations such as index_read() and index_first().

15.15.11. Implementing the index_prev() Function

The index_prev() function is used for reverse index scanning:

        int ha_foo::index_prev(byte * buf)

The *buf parameter is populated with the row that corresponds to the previous matching key value according to the internal cursor set by the storage engine during operations such as index_read() and index_last().

15.15.12. Implementing the index_first() Function

The index_first() function is used for index scanning:

        int ha_foo::index_first(byte * buf)

The *buf parameter is populated with the row that corresponds to the first key value in the index.

15.15.13. Implementing the index_last() Function

The index_last() function is used for reverse index scanning:

        int ha_foo::index_last(byte * buf)

The *buf parameter is populated with the row that corresponds to the last key value in the index.

15.16. Supporting Transactions

This section documents the methods that must be implemented to add support for transactions to a storage engine.

Please note that transaction management can be complicated and involve methods such as row versioning and redo logs, which is beyond the scope of this document. Instead coverage is limited to a description of required methods and not their implementation. For examples of implementation, please see and

15.16.1. Transaction Overview

Transactions are not explicitly started on the storage engine level, but are instead implicitly started through calls to either start_stmt() or external_lock(). If the preceding functions are called and a transaction already exists the transaction is not replaced.

The storage engine stores transaction information in per-connection memory and also registers the transaction in the MySQL server to allow the server to later issue COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations.

As operations are performed the storage engine will have to implement some form of versioning or logging to permit a rollback of all operations executed within the transaction.

After work is completed, the MySQL server will call either the commit() function or the rollback() function defined in the storage engine's handlerton.

15.16.2. Starting a Transaction

A transaction is started by the storage engine in response to a call to either the start_stmt() or external_lock() functions.

If there is no active transaction, the storage engine must start a new transaction and register the transaction with the MySQL server so that ROLLBACK or COMMIT can later be called. Starting a Transaction from a start_stmt() Call

The first function call that can start a transaction is the start_stmt() function.

The following example shows how a storage engine could register a transaction:

int my_handler::start_stmt(THD *thd, thr_lock_type lock_type) 
  int error= 0;
  my_txn *txn= (my_txn *) thd->ha_data[my_handler_hton.slot];
  if (txn == NULL)
    thd->ha_data[my_handler_hton.slot]= txn= new my_txn;
  if (txn->stmt == NULL && !(error= txn->tx_begin()))
    txn->stmt= txn->new_savepoint();
    trans_register_ha(thd, FALSE, &my_handler_hton);
  return error;

THD is the current client connection. It holds state relevant data for the current client, such as identity, network connection and other per-connection data.

thd->ha_data[my_handler_hton.slot] is a pointer in thd to the connection-specific data of this storage engine. In this example we use it to store the transaction context.

An additional example of implementing start_stmt() can be found in Starting a Transaction from a external_lock() Function

MySQL calls handler::external_lock() for every table it is going to use at the beginning of every statement. Thus, if a table is touched for the first time, it implicitly starts a transaction.

Note that because of pre-locking, all tables that can be potentially used between the beginning and the end of a statement are locked before the statement execution begins and handler::external_lock() is called for all these tables. That is, if an INSERT fires a trigger, which calls a stored procedure, that invokes a stored function, and so forth, all tables used in the trigger, stored procedure, function, etc., are locked in the beginning of the INSERT. Additionally, if there's a construct like

.. use one table
.. use another table

both tables will be locked.

Also, if a user calls LOCK TABLES, MySQL will call handler::external_lock only once. In this case, MySQL will call handler::start_stmt() at the beginning of the statement.

The following example shows how a storage engine can start a transaction and take locking requests into account:

int my_handler::external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type) 
  int error= 0;
  my_txn *txn= (my_txn *) thd->ha_data[my_handler_hton.slot];
  if (txn == NULL)
    thd->ha_data[my_handler_hton.slot]= txn= new my_txn;
  if (lock_type != F_UNLCK)
    bool all_tx= 0;
    if (txn->lock_count == 0)
      txn->lock_count= 1;
      txn->tx_isolation= thd->variables.tx_isolation;
      all_tx= test(thd->options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN | OPTION_TABLE_LOCK));
    if (all_tx)
      trans_register_ha(thd, TRUE, &my_handler_hton);
    if (txn->stmt == 0)
      txn->stmt= txn->new_savepoint();
      trans_register_ha(thd, FALSE, &my_handler_hton);
    if (txn->stmt != NULL)
      /* Commit the transaction if we're in auto-commit mode */
      my_handler_commit(thd, FALSE);
      delete txn->stmt; // delete savepoint
      txn->stmt= NULL;
  return error;

Every storage engine must call trans_register_ha() every time it starts a transaction. The trans_register_ha() function registers a transaction with the MySQL server to allow for future COMMIT and ROLLBACK calls.

An additional example of implementing external_lock() can be found in

15.16.3. Implementing ROLLBACK

Of the two major transactional operations, ROLLBACK is the more complicated to implement. All operations that occurred during the transaction must be reversed so that all rows are unchanged from before the transaction began.

To support ROLLBACK, create a function that matches this definition:

int  (*rollback)(THD *thd, bool all);

The function name is then listed in the rollback (thirteenth) entry of the handlerton.

The THD parameter is used to identify the transaction that needs to be rolled back, while the bool all parameter indicates whether the entire transaction should be rolled back or just the last statement.

Details of implementing a ROLLBACK operation will vary by storage engine. Examples can be found in and

15.16.4. Implementing COMMIT

During a commit operation, all changes made during a transaction are made permanent and a rollback operation is not possible after that. Depending on the transaction isolation used, this may be the first time such changes are visible to other threads.

To support COMMIT, create a function that matches this definition:

        int  (*commit)(THD *thd, bool all);

The function name is then listed in the rollback (twelfth) entry of the handlerton.

The THD parameter is used to identify the transaction that needs to be committed, while the bool all parameter indicates if this is a full transaction commit or just the end of a statement that is part of the transaction.

Details of implementing a COMMIT operation will vary by storage engine. Examples can be found in and

If the server is in auto-commit mode, the storage engine should automatically commit all read-only statements such as SELECT.

In a storage engine, "auto-committing" works by counting locks. Increment the count for every call to external_lock(), decrement when external_lock() is called with an argument of F_UNLCK. When the count drops to zero, trigger a commit.

15.16.5. Adding Support for Savepoints

First, the implementor should know how many bytes are required to store savepoint information. This should be a fixed size, preferably not large as the MySQL server will allocate space to store the savepoint for all storage engines with each named savepoint.

The implementor should store the data in the space preallocated by mysqld - and use the contents from the preallocated space for rollback or release savepoint operations.

When a COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation occurs (with bool all set to true), all savepoints are assumed to be released. If the storage engine allocates resources for savepoints, it should free them.

The following handlerton elements need to be implemented to support savepoints (elements 7,9,10,11):

uint savepoint_offset;
int  (*savepoint_set)(THD *thd, void *sv);
int  (*savepoint_rollback)(THD *thd, void *sv);
int  (*savepoint_release)(THD *thd, void *sv); Specifying the Savepoint Offset

The seventh element of the handlerton is the savepoint_offset:

uint savepoint_offset;

The savepoint_offset must be initialized statically to the size of the needed memory to store per-savepoint information. Implementing the savepoint_set Function

The savepoint_set() function is called whenever a user issues the SAVEPOINT statement:

int  (*savepoint_set)(THD *thd, void *sv);

The *sv parameter points to an uninitialized storage area of the size defined by savepoint_offset.

When savepoint_set() is called, the storage engine needs to store savepoint information into sv so that the server can later roll back the transaction to the savepoint or release the savepoint resources. Implementing the savepoint_rollback() Function

The savepoint_rollback() function is called whenever a user issues the ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement:

int  (*savepoint_rollback) (THD *thd, void *sv);

The *sv parameter points to the storage area that was previously passed to the savepoint_set() function. Implementing the savepoint_release() Function

The savepoint_release() function is called whenever a user issues the RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement:

int  (*savepoint_release) (THD *thd, void *sv);

The *sv parameter points to the storage area that was previously passed to the savepoint_set() function.

15.17. API Reference

15.17.1. bas_ext


Defines the file extensions used by the storage engine.


virtual const char ** bas_ext (); 


This is the bas_ext method. It is called to provide the MySQL server with a list of file extensions used by the storage engine. The list returned is a null-terminated string array.

By providing a list of extensions, storage engines can in many cases omit the delete_table() function as the MySQL server will close all references to the table and delete all files with the specified extension.


There are no parameters for this function.

Return Values

  • Return value is a null-terminated string array of storage engine extensions. The following is an example from the CSV engine:

    static const char *ha_tina_exts[] =


static const char *ha_tina_exts[] =
const char **ha_tina::bas_ext() const
   return ha_tina_exts;

Default Implementation

static const char *ha_example_exts[] = {
const char **ha_example::bas_ext() const
   return ha_example_exts;

15.17.2. close


Closes an open table.


virtual int close (void); 
 void ;


This is the close method.

Closes a table. A good time to free any resources that we have allocated.

Called from,, and In it is only used to close up temporary tables or during the process where a temporary table is converted over to being a MyISAM table. For look at close_data_tables().


  • void

Return Values

There are no return values.


Example from the CSV engine:

int ha_example::close(void)

15.17.3. create


Creates a new table.


virtual int create (name,  
const char * name ;
TABLE * form ;


This is the create method.

create() is called to create a table. The variable name will have the name of the table. When create() is called you do not need to open the table. Also, the .frm file will have already been created so adjusting create_info is not recommended.

Called from by ha_create_table().


  • name

  • form

  • info

Return Values

There are no return values.


Example from the CSV storage engine:

int ha_tina::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
                    HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
  char name_buff[FN_REFLEN];
  File create_file;

  if ((create_file= my_create(fn_format(name_buff, name, "", ".CSV",
                              O_RDWR | O_TRUNC,MYF(MY_WME))) < 0)



15.17.4. delete_row


Deletes a row.


virtual int delete_row (buf); 
const byte * buf ;


This is the delete_row method.

buf will contain a copy of the row to be deleted. The server will call this right after the current row has been called (from either a previous rnd_next() or index call). If you keep a pointer to the last row or can access a primary key it will make doing the deletion quite a bit easier. Keep in mind that the server does not guarantee consecutive deletions. ORDER BY clauses can be used.

Called in and to manage internal table information. Called in,, and In sql_select it is used for removing duplicates, while in insert it is used for REPLACE calls.


  • buf

Return Values

There are no return values.



Default Implementation


15.17.5. delete_table


Delete all files with extension from bas_ext().


virtual int delete_table (name); 
const char * name ;


This is the delete_table method.

Used to delete a table. By the time delete_table() has been called all opened references to this table will have been closed (and your globally shared references released). The variable name will be the name of the table. You will need to remove any files you have created at this point.

If you do not implement this, the default delete_table() is called from, and it will delete all files with the file extensions returned by bas_ext(). We assume that the handler may return more extensions than were actually used for the file.

Called from by delete_table and ha_create_table(). Only used during create if the table_flag HA_DROP_BEFORE_CREATE was specified for the storage engine.


  • name: Base name of table

Return Values

  • 0 if we successfully deleted at least one file from base_ext and didn't get any other errors than ENOENT

  • #: Error


Most storage engines can omit implementing this function.

15.17.6. external_lock


Handles table locking for transactions.


virtual int external_lock (thd,  
THD * thd ;
int lock_type ;


This is the external_lock method.

The “locking functions for mysql” section in has additional comments on this topic that may be useful to read.

This creates a lock on the table. If you are implementing a storage engine that can handle transactions, look at to see how you will want to go about doing this. Otherwise you should consider calling flock() here.

Called from by lock_external() and unlock_external(). Also called from by copy_data_between_tables().


  • thd

  • lock_type

Return Values

There are no return values.

Default Implementation

{ return 0; }

15.17.7. extra


Passes hints from the server to the storage engine.


virtual int extra (operation); 
enum ha_extra_function operation ;


This is the extra method.

extra() is called whenever the server wishes to send a hint to the storage engine. The MyISAM engine implements the most hints. has the most exhaustive list of these hints.


  • operation

Return Values

There are no return values.


Most storage engines will simply return 0.

{ return 0; }          

Default Implementation

By default your storage engine can opt to implement none of the hints.

{ return 0; }

15.17.8. index_end


Indicates end of index scan, clean up any resources used.


virtual int index_end (); 


This is the index_end method. Generally it is used as a counterpart to the index_init function, cleaning up any resources allocated for index scanning.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Clean up all resources allocated, return 0.

Default Implementation

           { active_index=MAX_KEY; return 0; }

15.17.9. index_first


Retrieve first row in index and return.


virtual int index_first (buf); 
byte * buf ;


This is the index_first method.

index_first() asks for the first key in the index.

Called from,,, and


  • buf - byte array to be populated with row.

Return Values

There are no return values.


Implementation depends on indexing method used.

Default Implementation

           { return  HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }

15.17.10. index_init


Signals the storage engine that an index scan is about to occur. Storage engine should allocate any resources needed.


virtual int index_init (idx,  
uint  idx ;
bool  sorted ;


This is the index_init method. This function is called before an index scan, allowing the storage engine to allocate resources and make preparations.


  • idx

  • sorted

Return Values


This function can typically just return 0 if there is no preparation needed.

Default Implementation

           { active_index=idx; return 0; }

15.17.11. index_last


Return the last row in the index.


virtual int index_last (buf); 
byte * buf ;


This is the index_last method.

index_last() asks for the last key in the index.

Called from,,, and


  • buf - byte array to be populated with matching row.

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Advance to last row in index and return row in buffer.

Default Implementation

           { return  HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }

15.17.12. index_next


Return next row in index.


virtual int index_next (buf); 
byte * buf ;


This is the index_next method.

Used to read forward through the index.


  • buf

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Advance to next row in index using pointer or cursor, return row in buffer.

Default Implementation

           { return  HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }

15.17.13. index_prev


Advance to previous row in index.


virtual int index_prev (buf); 
byte * buf ;


This is the index_prev method.

Used to read backward through the index.


  • buf

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Move to previous row in index, retun in buffer.

Default Implementation

           { return  HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }

15.17.14. index_read_idx


Find a row based on a key and return.


virtual int index_read_idx (buf,  
byte * buf ;
uint index ;
const byte * key ;
uint key_len ;
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag ;


This is the index_read_idx method.

Positions an index cursor to the index specified in key. Fetches the row if any. This is only used to read whole keys.


  • buf

  • index

  • key

  • key_len

  • find_flag

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Locate the row that matches the key passed and return it in the buffer provided.

15.17.15. index_read


Find a row based on a key and return.


virtual int index_read (buf,  
byte * buf ;
const byte * key ;
uint key_len ;
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag ;


This is the index_read method.

Positions an index cursor to the index specified in the handle. Fetches the row if available. If the key value is null, begin at the first key of the index.


  • buf

  • key

  • key_len

  • find_flag

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Default Implementation

           { return  HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }

15.17.16. info


Prompts storage engine to report statistics.


virtual void info (uint); 
 uint ;


This is the info method.

::info() is used to return information to the optimizer. Currently, this table handler doesn't implement most of the fields really needed. SHOW also makes use of this data Another note, you will probably want to have the following in your code: if (records < 2) records = 2; The reason is that the server will optimize for cases of only a single record. If in a table scan you don't know the number of records it will probably be better to set records to two so you can return as many records as you need. Along with records a few more variables you may wish to set are: records deleted data_file_length index_file_length delete_length check_time See public variables in handler.h for more information.

Called in:


  • uint

Return Values

There are no return values.


This example is from the CSV storage engine:

void ha_tina::info(uint flag)
  /* This is a lie, but you don't want the optimizer to see zero or 1 */
  if (records < 2)
    records= 2;

15.17.17. open


Opens a table.


virtual int open (name,  
const char * name ;
int mode ;
uint test_if_locked ;


This is the open method.

Used for opening tables. The name will be the name of the file. A table is opened when it needs to be opened. For instance when a request comes in for a select on the table (tables are not open and closed for each request, they are cached).

Called from by handler::ha_open(). The server opens all tables by calling ha_open() which then calls the handler specific open().

A handler object is opened as part of its initialization and before being used for normal queries (not before meta-data changes always.) If the object was opened it will also be closed before being deleted.

This is the open method. open is called to open a database table.

The first parameter is the name of the table to be opened. The second parameter determines what file to open or what operation to take. The values are defined in handler.h and are copied here for your convenience:

        #define HA_OPEN_KEYFILE		  1
        #define HA_OPEN_RNDFILE		  2
        #define HA_GET_INDEX		    4
        #define HA_GET_INFO		      8	    /* do a ha_info() after open */
        #define HA_READ_ONLY		    16	  /* File opened as readonly */
        #define HA_TRY_READ_ONLY	  32    /* Try readonly if can't open with read and write */
        #define HA_WAIT_IF_LOCKED	  64	  /* Wait if locked on open */
        #define HA_ABORT_IF_LOCKED	128	  /* skip if locked on open.*/
        #define HA_BLOCK_LOCK		    256	  /* unlock when reading some records */
        #define HA_OPEN_TEMPORARY	  512

The final option dictates whether the handler should check for a lock on the table before opening it.

Typically your storage engine will need to implement some form of shared access control to prevent file corruption is a multi-threaded environment. For an example of how to implement file locking, see the get_share() and free_share() methods of sql/examples/


  • name

  • mode

  • test_if_locked

Return Values

There are no return values.


This example is from the CSV storage engine:

        int ha_tina::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
        if (!(share= get_share(name, table)))

15.17.18. position


Provide the MySQL server with position/offset information for last-read row.


virtual void position (record); 
const byte * record ;


This is the position method.

position() is called after each call to rnd_next() if the data needs to be ordered. You can do something like the following to store the position: my_store_ptr(ref, ref_length, current_position);

The server uses ref to store data. ref_length in the above case is the size needed to store current_position. ref is just a byte array that the server will maintain. If you are using offsets to mark rows, then current_position should be the offset. If it is a primary key like in BDB, then it needs to be a primary key.

Called from,, and


  • record

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Return offset or retrieval key information for last row.

15.17.19. records_in_range


For the given range how many records are estimated to be in this range.


virtual ha_rows records_in_range (inx,  
uint inx ;
key_range * min_key ;
key_range * max_key ;


This is the records_in_range method.

Given a starting key, and an ending key estimate the number of rows that will exist between the two. end_key may be empty which in case determine if start_key matches any rows.

Used by optimizer to calculate cost of using a particular index.

Called from by check_quick_keys().


  • inx

  • min_key

  • max_key

Return Values

Return the approxamite number of rows.


Determine an approxamite count of the rows between the key values and return.

Default Implementation

            { return (ha_rows) 10; }

15.17.20. rnd_init


Initializes a handler for table scanning.


virtual int rnd_init (scan); 
bool scan ;


This is the rnd_init method.

rnd_init() is called when the system wants the storage engine to do a table scan.

Unlike index_init(), rnd_init() can be called two times without rnd_end() in between (it only makes sense if scan=1). then the second call should prepare for the new table scan (e.g if rnd_init allocates the cursor, second call should position it to the start of the table, no need to deallocate and allocate it again

Called from,,,,, and


  • scan

Return Values

There are no return values.


This example is from the CSV storage engine:

int ha_tina::rnd_init(bool scan)

  current_position= next_position= 0;
  records= 0;
  chain_ptr= chain;

15.17.21. rnd_next


Reads the next row from a table and returns it to the server.


virtual int rnd_next (buf); 
byte * buf ;


This is the rnd_next method.

This is called for each row of the table scan. When you run out of records you should return HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE. Fill buff up with the row information. The Field structure for the table is the key to getting data into buf in a manner that will allow the server to understand it.

Called from,,,,, and


  • buf

Return Values

There are no return values.


This example is from the ARCHIVE storage engine:

int ha_archive::rnd_next(byte *buf)
  int rc;

  if (share->crashed)
  if (!scan_rows)

    current_position= gztell(archive);
  rc= get_row(archive, buf);
  if (rc != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)


15.17.22. rnd_pos


Return row based on position.


virtual int rnd_pos (buf,  
byte * buf ;
byte * pos ;


This is the rnd_pos method.

Used for finding row previously marked with position. This is useful for large sorts.

This is like rnd_next, but you are given a position to use to determine the row. The position will be of the type that you stored in ref. You can use ha_get_ptr(pos,ref_length) to retrieve whatever key or position you saved when position() was called. Called from


  • buf

  • pos

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Locate row based on position value and return in buffer provided.

15.17.23. start_stmt


Called at the beginning of a statement for transaction purposes.


virtual int start_stmt (thd,  
THD * thd ;
thr_lock_type lock_type ;


This is the start_stmt method.

When table is locked a statement is started by calling start_stmt instead of external_lock


  • thd

  • lock_type

Return Values

This function has no return values.


Make any preparations needed for a transaction start (if there is no current running transaction).

Default Implementation

           {return 0;}

15.17.24. store_lock


Creates and releases table locks.


virtual THR_LOCK_DATA ** store_lock (thd,  
THD * thd ;
enum thr_lock_type lock_type ;


This is the store_lock method.

The idea with handler::store_lock() is the following:

The statement decided which locks we should need for the table for updates/deletes/inserts we get WRITE locks, for SELECT... we get read locks.

Before adding the lock into the table lock handler mysqld calls store lock with the requested locks. Store lock can modify the lock level, e.g. change blocking write lock to non-blocking, ignore the lock (if we don't want to use MySQL table locks at all) or add locks for many tables (like we do when we are using a MERGE handler).

Berkeley DB for example, downgrades blocking table TL_WRITE locks to non-blocking TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE locks (which signals that we are doing WRITES, but we are still allowing other readers and writers).

When releasing locks, store_lock() are also called. In this case one usually doesn't have to do anything.

If the argument of store_lock is TL_IGNORE, it means that MySQL requests the handler to store the same lock level as the last time.

Called from by get_lock_data().


  • thd

  • to

  • lock_type

Return Values

There are no return values.


The following example is from the ARCHIVE storage engine:

  Below is an example of how to setup row level locking.
THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_archive::store_lock(THD *thd,
                                       THR_LOCK_DATA **to,
                                       enum thr_lock_type lock_type)
  if (lock_type == TL_WRITE_DELAYED)
    delayed_insert= TRUE;
    delayed_insert= FALSE;

  if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && lock.type == TL_UNLOCK) 
      Here is where we get into the guts of a row level lock.
      If TL_UNLOCK is set 
      If we are not doing a LOCK TABLE or DISCARD/IMPORT
      TABLESPACE, then allow multiple writers 

    if ((lock_type >= TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT &&
         lock_type <= TL_WRITE) && !thd->in_lock_tables
        && !thd->tablespace_op)
      lock_type = TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE;

      In queries of type INSERT INTO t1 SELECT ... FROM t2 ...
      MySQL would use the lock TL_READ_NO_INSERT on t2, and that
      would conflict with TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE, blocking all inserts
      to t2. Convert the lock to a normal read lock to allow
      concurrent inserts to t2. 

    if (lock_type == TL_READ_NO_INSERT && !thd->in_lock_tables) 
      lock_type = TL_READ;


  *to++= &lock;
  return to;

The following is the minimal implementation, for a storage engine that does not need to downgrade locks:

THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_tina::store_lock(THD *thd,
                                    THR_LOCK_DATA **to,
                                    enum thr_lock_type lock_type)
   /* Note that if the lock type is TL_IGNORE we don't update lock.type,
      preserving the previous lock level */
   if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && lock.type == TL_UNLOCK)
    /* the heart of the store_lock() method and it's main purpose -
      storing the (possibly changed) lock level into the provided
      memory */
     *to++= &lock;
     return to;

See also ha_berkeley::store_lock() and ha_myisammrg::store_lock() for more complex implementation

15.17.25. update_row


Updates the contents of an existing row.


virtual int update_row (old_data,  
const byte * old_data ;
byte * new_data ;


This is the update_row method.

old_data will have the previous row record in it, while new_data will have the newest data in it.

The server can do updates based on ordering if an ORDER BY clause was used. Consecutive ordering is not guaranteed.

Currently, new_data will not have an updated auto_increament record, or and updated timestamp field. You can do these for example by doing these: if (table->timestamp_field_type & TIMESTAMP_AUTO_SET_ON_UPDATE) table->timestamp_field->set_time(); if (table->next_number_field && record == table->record[0]) update_auto_increment();

Called from,,, and


  • old_data

  • new_data

Return Values

There are no return values.



Default Implementation

           { return  HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }

15.17.26. write_row


Adds a new row to a table.


virtual int write_row (buf); 
byte * buf ;


This is the write_row method.

write_row() inserts a row. No extra() hint is given currently if a bulk load is happening. buf is a byte array of data with a size of table->s->reclength

You can use the field information to extract the data from the native byte array type. Example of this would be: for (Field **field=table->field ; *field ; field++) { ... }

BLOBs must be handled specially:

for (ptr= table->s->blob_field, end= ptr + table->s->blob_fields ; ptr != end ; ptr++) 
        char *data_ptr; 
        uint32 size= ((Field_blob*)table->field[*ptr])->get_length();

See for an example of extracting all of the data as strings. has an example of how to store it intact by "packing" it for ha_berkeley's own native storage type.

See the note for update_row() on auto_increments and timestamps. This case also applied to write_row().

Called from,,,,,,,, and


  • buf byte array of data

Return Values

There are no return values.



Default Implementation

           { return  HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND; }