Creative Zen 30-60GB Help/FAQ


Charging Zen:
  • To listen to your zen while charging on the USB port simple unistall the "Portable Device" (Zen).
  • Left click on "start".
  • Right click on "My Computer".
  • Left click on "Properties".
  • Select "Hardware" tab by left click.
  • Left click on the "Hardware" button.
  • Left click on the "Portable Device" plus sign to expand it.
  • Right click on the "Creative Zen..." device.
  • Left click "Uninstall Device"
  • Not to worry. When you re-connect you Zen the portable device re-installs itself since it is USB
Reset Zen: Push the end of a pin-like object (for example, a pin or straightened paperclip) into the Reset hole
Reset Factory Default: Press on the Menu/Back button on your player, and select System, and then Reset.
Format or Clean Up Zen:
  1. Detach the ZEN Vision:M player from your PC , and ensure that the unit is off.
    If the battery is too low, charge the battery fully before continuing
  2. Slide the Power switch towards the Power icon and hold the switch in the Power On position.
  3. Push the end of a pin-like object (for example, a straightened paper clip) into the reset hole, press gently and remove.
  4. Release the Power switch when the Creative logo appears. The Recovery Mode appears.
  5. Select Clean Up or Format from the Recovery Mode, and then select Reboot.
    Clean Up: Scans the player and removes invalid links from its music library. Does not affect music files themselves.
    Format (All): Caution! Erases all content! Save a copy of your player's content before formatting.
    Reload OS/Firmware: Caution! Erases your player's firmware. DO NOT select the Reload Firmware option unless you have access to a PC and you have downloaded the necessary firmware to install.
    Reboot: Reboots the device.
Format ZEN Vision:M data from computer:
  1. Connect the player at the rear USB port of the PC
  2. Double-click 'My Computer' icon
  3. Right-click Removable Disk and choose Format.
  4. Select FAT 16 or 32 for the File System.
  5. Click Start tab to begin the formatting process.
  6. Close the Format window once complete.
If your Windows XP file system is set to FAT 32 by default, you will not be prompted to choose between Fat 16 or 32 when you format the ZEN Vision:M.

To verify this, you will need to have your player connected to your computer in Removable Disk Mode, right click on the device and select Properties, look at the File System under General tab and check if it is set to FAT 32.